J-Desktop 2.0
J-Desktop is a simple program that allows you to connect to your home PC via the internet from any location in the world. It's very simple to setup and it's guaranteed to work through any firewall,...
View ArticleVNCViewer 3.3.2
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a system for remote management of servers via the internet or a local network. VNCViewer is a terminal compatible with Pocket PC systems which allows you to connect...
View ArticleNoviiRemote 2.22
The developers of NoviiRemote set out to create a universal learning remote that works better, looks better, is easier to use and is faster to set up, when compared to the many other remote programs...
View ArticleMocha Remote Client 1.2
Mocha Remote Client is an application for the Microsoft Windows Mobile platform. It enables you to have full, secure access to your work computer through an Internet or network connection. Using your...
View ArticleRealTrack Mobile 1.5
RealTrack Mobile is a mobility solution (Fleet Management and mobile devices tracking Comprehensive System, via GPS through GPRS or WIFI, and through INTERNET access) made up of a set of applications,...
View ArticleMobile Registry Editor 1.11
Mobile Registry Editor allows you to access and modify your Pocket PC's registry settings to speed up your device. As you're most likely aware, a huge number of problems with your Windows desktop...
View ArticleremotePROTECT
Total Thief Protection including notification of SIM change, remote kill, remote lock, remote unlock, retreive IMSI and IMEI details. From the makers of PDAKill comes the complete security package,...
View ArticleRemote World WiFi Scanner Lite 1.1
WiFi Scanner Lite is a simple utility you can use to scan and locate any WiFi hotspots and networks which are in range of your device. WiFi scanner is a special utility for Wireless signal strength...
View ArticleWiFi Scanner 1.1
WiFi scanner is a special utility for wireless signal strength measurement on Pocket PC. This software allows you to: Display visible WiFi Access Point (802.11b and g standard) Display info about...
View ArticleActiveSync 4.2
Microsoft ActiveSync allows you to transfers files from your PC to the Windows Mobile platform, and opens up a gateway to synchronizing data from your phone with your desktop computer. If you own a...
View ArticlenPOP 1.0.9
This software allows you to access e-mail on a POP3 mail server on your Pocket PC or PC. It provides the function of common remote e-mail access. When you connect using nPOP, the mail is listed and...
View ArticlenPOPw
This software allows you to access e-mail on a POP3 mail server on your Pocket PC or PC. It provides the function of common remote e-mail access. The mail displayed by nPOP is only the mail on the...
View Article324ftp 1.32
Mobile Internet connection are starting to speed up to the point where transferring reasonably large files is becoming viable. Perhaps the easiest way of transferring data between your phone and the...
View ArticleeWallet 6.1.3
The virtual wallet market is popular with software developers. Nearly all PDA users make use of some sort of virtual wallet program to store their credit card numbers, email passwords or other...
View Articlez2 Remote2PC 1.4.2
z2 Remote2PC allows you to access, control and transfer files to and from your desktop PC from anywhere. The program includes support for the latest version of Windows Mobile, support for the latest...
View ArticleKaspersky Mobile Security
If you care at all about your Pocket PC then you'd be foolish not to install some kind of security software on it. Kaspersky Mobile Security is designed to protect you from a range of threats and...
View ArticleRDM+ Remote Desktop for Mobiles 3.7.7
With so much of our work and home activities based around our PC, it often feels that you're chained to the desk 24/7. Sometimes even while you're out and about you're probably itching to get home and...
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